Monday, April 12, 2010

Plans for the Future

So today I was thinking about what I want to run after I finish off this grand (or not-so-grand) campaign of d20 Modern/Call of Cthulhu.  And since I recently picked up some other game systems I was planning on running a few short games before I dust off a favorite campaign of mine and run it as 4e.

I think I'd like to run a short All Flesh Must Be Eaten game.  Nothing quite like playing some of the Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse before it happens.  And there's Deadlands.  There is so much potential for wacky game craziness with Deadlands.  Some of my current players have played Deadlands a number of years ago and they stories they tell of what went on in game just make me want to run my own.  Also there is Hallow Earth - its like Pulp Heroes meets Journey to the Center of the Earth.  Its pretty fun; I demoed it at GenCon a few years ago and it was a blast.

Speaking of GenCon, I purchased the tickets for events that I want to go to, namely True Dungeon.  If you don't know what True Dungeon is, or if you've been dead for the last seven years or so,  its possibly the most fun gaming experience at GenCon since the creation of D&D.  My opinion.  Its an absolute blast.  It combines elements of LARPing (Live Action Role Play) with regular table-top D&D.  While role-playing your character is not mandatory (and most folks don't) sometimes it can be fun.  Also, to see what kinds of fun have been had (or at least alluded to) by the GMs in the first year of True Dungeon, here is a must see video entitled Attack of the DMs.  Watch it, love it, share it.

Anyway, the point of all this is that after running some short games  of various systems I want to try out, I'll run a CthulhuTech campaign for a while.  Not very long, maybe a few months.  Then what I think I want to do is bribe my players into playing Shackled City as 4e instead of 3.x.  Shackled City is one of my all time favorite campaigns.  Betrayal, revenge, monsters, true love...wait, that's The Princess Bride...but yeah Shackled City is all that and a bag of chips.  It shouldn't be hard to convert it to 4e either.

So, just some musings today.  That's all.

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